Karin Doering

Karin Döring is a visual artist who has been on the art scene since 2017. In 2018 she drew attention for the first time when her first exhibition left a lasting impression with all works being sold out.

From the very beginning she did not follow the usual paths: Döring never attended an art school, but learned painting techniques autodidactically and developed them continuously and ambitiously. It is precisely this fact that unimagined potential is uncovered and gives her the greatest possible creative freedom.

She sees the greatest form of freedom as following her passion. Her passion is absolute devotion to art. She reveals this devotion to her viewers at every exhibition.

Karin Döring focuses on modern portrait painting and works with intensely colored acrylic paints. During her development process, it soon becomes clear that she likes to deviate from the norm. She developed an innovative painting technique early on that enabled viewers to perceive art with all their senses.

Since 2018 the artist has been exhibiting in Germany, Austria, Spain and the USA in group and solo exhibitions as well as at art fairs. In 2020 she received the Artist of the Future award from Contemporary Art Magazine. Karin Döring's works are represented in public and private collections.

Karin Döring was born in Germany in 1972 and lives and works in Schwäbisch Hall.

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