London, Whitechapel Gallery: »Peter Kennard: Archive of Dissent«

The renowned Whitechapel Gallery in London pays tribute to an important British artist: Peter Kennard: Archive of Dissent presents numerous of his photomontages from the last 50 years. The exhibition opens on July 23.

July 23, 2024
Sunderland, England: »Ian Macdonald: Fixing Time«

From July 20, a central voice in British photography will be honored: Sunderland will host Ian Macdonald: Fixing Time, the first major retrospective of the photographer who focused primarily on working class life.

July 20, 2024
Cardiff, Chapter Arts Center: »Abi Palmer: Slime Mother«

In her first solo exhibition, Abi Palmer creates a world in which slugs are adored. Her artworks take a different look at small animals. Abi Palmer: Slime Mother runs from July 20 at the Chapter Arts Center in Cardiff.

July 19, 2024
Styrian artist presents »Farbenrausch«

Styrian artist Georg Brandner is working on a new series of works entitled Farbenrausch (Color rush). Here he offers a glimpse of the first completed paintings.

July 18, 2024
Neuhardenberg Castle Foundation presents exhibition on the Nazi era

System-critical art can endanger the lives of its creators. This also applies to the works of art on display at Neuhardenberg Castle, which were created in secret during the Nazi era and in some cases have never been on public display until now. On July 20, the unique exhibition Night-time in Germany. Persecution – Destruction – Resistance. Works from the Gerhard Schneider collection.

July 18, 2024
Maastricht, Bonnefanten Museum presents Małgorzata Mirga-Tas

The Romni artist Małgorzata Mirga-Tas caused a sensation two years ago at the Venice Biennale with her design for the Polish Pavilion. The Bonnefanten Museum in Maastricht is presenting this series and new works in This is not the end of the road, which runs until February 16, 2025.

July 17, 2024
Petworth, Newlands House Gallery shows Leonora Carrington

Surrealist artist Leonora Carrington is currently one of the most talked about artists of the 20th century. From July 12, Newlands House Gallery in Petworth will be showing the breadth of her work in Leonora Carrington: Rebel Visionary.

July 12, 2024
London, National Portrait Gallery presents »HSF Portrait Award«

Outstanding portraits will once again be presented at the National Portrait Gallery in London from July 10: The Herbert Smith Freehills Portrait Award 2024 exhibition will showcase 50 works of art. The winners of the awards will be announced on July 9.

July 09, 2024
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston shows »Meiji Modern«

Starting July 7, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston presents how cultural influences shaped Japanese art and culture in the 19th century. Meiji Modern: Fifty Years of New Japan features over 150 exhibits.

July 07, 2024
Washington, D.C.: The Phillips Collection with exhibition on collages

Technique mirrors content: The collage, composed of various individual pieces, has enjoyed great popularity among Black American artists for decades. The Phillips Collection Museum is dedicating a major exhibition to this object: Multiplicity: Blackness in Contemporary American Collage can be seen in Washington, D.C. from July 6.

July 06, 2024

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