Contemporary figurative artist born, raised and based in Berlin

Between body worlds, red lips and faces, it is usually a concrete feeling that seems to become tangible when looking at Davina Gescha's motifs. The protagonists in her works seem tangible to us thanks to the precise painting who at the same time blur into diffuse hints. Davina Gescha always finds inspiration for her art in her personal environment. The pure female body, in its shape and aesthetics, always forms the basis of her motifs. For the artist, in its purest form, it is not a sexualized object, but rather the home of the female figures who seem to appear so strikingly undisguised in their world of images. It is precisely in the connection of these individual women into a whole that the potential of feminist energy through Davina Gescha's art becomes noticeable to us. “Strong women watered my damaged roots. Through them I was able to grow and become who I am today,” explains the artist. She therefore sees her work as an appreciation of the very feminine strength through which she found clear expression in her art.