Mainly I work about actuel subjects like the developement in our digital world-from natural beings to cyborgs and to A.I.

My name is Gerd Rehme, I'm working as an artist in Travemünde, in the northern part of Germany at the Baltic Sea. I work about the transformation from the natural human to an electronic being, about A.I., the change of climate and psychological problems of the human. I like to use different materials like electronic parts of computers, iron rust, saw dust, special colours and so on.

Gerd Rehme in the Artworld

Lübeck, Kunsttankstelle: Gerd Rehme shows paintings in the exhibition »HUMAN?«

How human will humans remain? The artist Gerd Rehme examines the physical and ethical changes that could be in store for humans. His latest works can be seen in the HUMAN? exhibition in Lübeck from April 4.

April 01, 2024

Gerd Rehme in the Artworld

Lübeck, Kunsttankstelle: Gerd Rehme zeigt Gemälde in der Schau »HUMAN?«

Wie menschlich bleibt der Mensch? Der Künstler Gerd Rehme untersucht, welche körperlichen und ethischen Veränderungen auf den Menschen zukommen könnten. Seine neueren Arbeiten sind ab dem 4. April in der Ausstellung HUMAN? in Lübeck zu sehen.

April 01, 2024