when casting bronze in the Studio

The "Teenager" series of works started because I worked without a model for over 30 years. I tried out different styles and manners and in the end I was very unhappy because what I produced made me feel that it didn't belong to me. And I destroyed a lot of my work. Out of desperation, I started working with academic models and I realized that I couldn't create a meaningful language. By chance, I thought that our children could model for me. When they agreed to do it and started, I got an "electric shock". It occurred to me that they were standing like children at their first communion. They stand so straight and innocent. This almost religious feeling accompanied me in my work and five portraits were created in 2011. Since 2014, I have created a cycle with young people inspired by my school days under Polish communism. The models are older and I have transported myself back to my grammar school days. We were only happy in the strict Catholic schools during hikes in the mountains, where we spent three days on the road and stayed overnight with farmers. We only hiked in bathing suits, danced a lot, drank alcohol, smoked... The feeling of freedom and letting go characterized this time. I know that the sculptural medium is not so well suited to depicting such a narrative. But the teenage models helped me with this. Because although a lot has changed since my youth, this sense of emerging freedom is representative of the age of adolescents and so I found and captured it in my models. I was always fascinated by different sculpting techniques and I wanted to master them. I do all the work steps on my own. So modeling, negative mold, taking a cast from the negative mold, preparing the wax positive for casting, making and firing the mold, casting in bronze, later removing the channels from the mold and welding. I try to preserve the casting patina. The bronzes are not patinated in the artisanal sense. They have reached a certain point and a foundry workshop would perhaps continue to work on them and patinate them. The Teenager cycle is not quite finished yet. I am working on a new project at the same time, but it is not to be shown yet. (Janusz Siewierski on the creation of his cycle "Teenager" on the occasion of an exhibition opening in Kassel at the Galerie in den Gerichten, 2022)









together with his son Feliks lifting the crucible with the heated bronze









pouring the heated bronze into the mold









Janusz Cesary Siewierski at his Studio 2022