Keith Haring Reading, Pennsylvania 1958 - 1990 New York City

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Keith Haring - One plate, from Pop Shop I
Prints & Multiples
October 2024
Bonhams, Los Angeles
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - Untitled, circa 1985
Post-War & Contemporary Art X Made in California
September 2024
Bonhams, Los Angeles
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - Untitled, 1985
Post-War & Contemporary Art X Made in California
September 2024
Bonhams, Los Angeles
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - One print, from: Lucky Strike
Prints and Multiples
September 2024
Christies, London (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - One print, from: Lucky Strike
Prints and Multiples
September 2024
Christies, London (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - One print, from: Lucky Strike
Prints and Multiples
September 2024
Christies, London (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - “Untitled (Medusa)”
Modern paintings sculptures and prints
September 2024
Bruun Rasmussen
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - “Pop Shop 1 (plate 1)” or “Best Buddies”
Modern paintings sculptures and prints
September 2024
Bruun Rasmussen
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - “International Youth Year”, 1985
Modern paintings sculptures and prints
September 2024
Bruun Rasmussen
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - Pop shop transistor blue, AM FM Radio, 1985
Prints and MultiplesPrivate collection lots 1-68
September 2024
Bonhams, Brussels
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - Montreux Jazz Festival (Three Works)
Prints & Multiples
September 2024
Bonhams, London (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - Three Plates, from The Bayer Suite
Prints & Multiples
September 2024
Bonhams, London (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX

The artist Keith Haring

  • US-American street art artist, lived and worked mainly in New York
  • Important representative of Pop Art of the 1980s.
  • Heavily involved in HIV awareness for many years.

Keith Haring, born on 4 May 1958 in Reading, Pennsylvania, died on 16 February 1990 in New York City, was one of the most important artists of the Pop Art scene of the 1980s. He was already interested in art as a child and drew comic figures together with his father.

After studying commercial art at the Ivy School of Professional Art in Pittsburgh at the age of 18, he moved from Pittsburgh to New York City after his first exhibition in 1978. In the metropolis, he then began studying at the School of Visual Arts and got to know hip artists such as Jean-Michel Basquiat, who is also internationally well known today.

He first gained public interest by spraying political messages and also by tagging. This was later followed by so-called »underground drawing« on New York subways. His style, which is still memorable today, consequently emerged from the graffiti and street art scene.

His significant colourful, strongly reduced stick figures, dogs or UFOs with black borders, which can still be seen in many places on the walls of houses, have a high recognition value. Sculptures following the same figurative patterns were also regularly displayed in public places.

The frequent concentration on primary colours as well as black and white underline his striking style and clearly place his works in the line of more recent Pop Art. In the course of this, he also got to know Andy Warhol, to whom he dedicated his Andy Mouse.

Haring's pop art entered the mainstream by illustrating and supporting various advertising and anti-AIDS campaigns. Later, his stick figures were increasingly used by large fashion chains for textile prints, so that comic art, partly detached from his name, gained an ever wider reach.

Haring campaigned throughout his life for diversity, AIDS education and prevention, and against gentrification. He died in February 1990 at the age of 31 from AIDS.  His untimely death, his commitment to HIV education and the acceptance of diversity, combined with his brightly coloured, youthful-looking, crowd-pleasing comic art, gave him posthumous cult status.

Der Künstler Keith Haring

  • US-amerikanischer Street-Art-Künstler mit Schaffensschwerpunkt in New York.
  • Bedeutender Vertreter der Pop-Art der 1980er-Jahre.
  • Engagierte sich über viele Jahre stark für die HIV-Aufklärung.

Keith Haring, geb. am 04.05.1958 in Reading, Pennsylvania, gest. am 16.02.1990 in New York City war einer der bedeutendsten Künstler der Pop-Art-Szene der 1980er-Jahre. Bereits im Kindesalter interessierte er sich für Kunst und zeichnete gemeinsam mit seinem Vater Comicfiguren.

Nachdem er im Alter von 18 Jahren zunächst ein Studium der Werbegrafik an der Ivy School of Professional Art in Pittsburgh begonnen hatte, wechselte er nach seiner ersten eigenen Ausstellung 1978 seinen Wohnort von Pittsburgh nach New York City. In der Metropole begann er dann ein Studium an der der School of Visual Arts und lernte angesagte Künstler wie den heute international bekannten Jean-Michel Basquiat kennen.

Öffentliches Interesse erlangte er erstmals durch das Sprayen politischer Botschaften sowie durch das Tagging. Später folgte das sogenannte »Subway Drawing« an New Yorker U-Bahnen. Sein bis heute einprägsamer Stil ging folglich aus der Graffiti- und Street-Art-Szene hervor. So haben seine signifikanten bunten, stark reduzierten Strichmännchen, Hunde oder Ufos mit schwarzer Umrandung, die vielerorts noch heute etwa an Häuserwänden zu sehen sind, hohen Wiedererkennungswert.

Auch Skulpturen, die denselben figürlichen Mustern folgen, wurden regelmäßig an öffentlichen Plätzen zur Schau gestellt. Die häufige Konzentration auf Primärfarben sowie Schwarz und Weiß unterstreichen seinen plakativen Stil und fügen seine Werke klar in die Linie der neueren Pop-Art ein. In diesem Zuge lernte er auch die Pop-Art-Größe Andy Warhol kennen, der er seine Andy-Mouse widmete.

Einzug in den Mainstream hielt Harings Pop-Art-Kunst mitunter, indem er verschiedene Werbe- und Anti-AIDS-Kampagnen illustrierte bzw. unterstützte. Später wurden seine Strichmännchen immer häufiger von großen Modeketten für Textilprints verwendet, sodass die Comic-Kunst eine immer größere Reichweite erlangte. So abstrahierte sich die Bedeutung seiner Figuren von der graffiti-inspirierten Szene-Pop-Art hin zur Massenproduktion popkultureller Merchandise-Artikel.

Haring setzte sich zeit seines Lebens für Diversität, AIDS-Aufklärung und -Prävention sowie gegen Gentrifizierung ein. Er starb im Februar 1990 im Alter von 31 Jahren an den Folgen seiner AIDS-Erkrankung.  Sein frühes Ableben sowie sein Engagement in der HIV-Aufklärung und der Akzeptanz von Diversität verliehen ihm in Kombination mit seiner knallig-bunten, jugendlich erscheinenden, massentauglichen Comic-Kunst posthum echten Kultstatus.

Keith Haring - Untitled (Man on Dolfin), 1987
Prints and MultiplesPrivate collection lots 1-68
September 2024
Bonhams, Brussels
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - Pop Shop I: one plate (L. p. 82)
Evening & Day Editions
September 2024
Phillips, London Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - International Volunteer Day
Prints & MultiplesSummer Splash
August 2024
Bonhams, New York (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - Luna Luna Karussell: A Poetic Extravaganza!, 3-D Pop-Up; First Edition Luna Luna Exhibition Catalogue (2 works)
Prints & MultiplesSummer Splash
August 2024
Bonhams, New York (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - First Edition Exhibition Catalogue: Keith Haring at Tony Shafrazi Gallery, New York
Prints & MultiplesSummer Splash
August 2024
Bonhams, New York (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - Pop Shop Drawstring Bags (2 works)
Prints & MultiplesSummer Splash
August 2024
Bonhams, New York (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - Memorial Exhibition Catalogue: Tony Shafrazi, May-June, 1990; Announcement Card for Memorial Exhibition (2 works)
Prints & MultiplesSummer Splash
August 2024
Bonhams, New York (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - Group of Books and Ephemera (9 works)
Prints & MultiplesSummer Splash
August 2024
Bonhams, New York (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - Coloring Book; Pop-Shop Poster/Mailer; Pop Shop Poster (3 works)
Prints & MultiplesSummer Splash
August 2024
Bonhams, New York (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - Portrait of Joseph Beuys
Prints & MultiplesSummer Splash
August 2024
Bonhams, New York (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - The Paris Review.
Finds under 5,000 | ONLINE ONLY
July 2024
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Keith Haring - Pochettes de disques (x5)
Prints & Multiples Online
July 2024
Bonhams, Paris (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX

Keith Haring in News and Exhibitions

Keith Haring's first ever comprehensive museum exhibition in Los Angeles

He may not be as famous in name as Picasso, but his iconic figures come close to that status: pop art disciple Keith Haring spread through the mainstream like wildfire. His art was for everyone. In keeping with this motto, the Broad Museum in Los Angeles is opening a solo exhibition on May 27 that recounts the life of the artist and activist on a very personal level.

May 27, 2023

Keith Haring in News and Exhibitions

Keith Harings erste museale Überblickschau in Los Angeles

Er ist zwar nicht namentlich so bekannt wie Picasso, doch kommen seine ikonischen Figuren diesem Status sehr nahe: Pop-Art-Jünger Keith Haring verbreitete sich im Mainstream wie ein Lauffeuer. Seine Kunst war für alle da. Diesem Motto folgend eröffnet das Broad Museum in Los Angeles am 27. Mai eine Soloausstellung, die auf ganz persönlicher Ebene aus dem Leben des Künstlers und Aktivisten erzählt. 

May 27, 2023

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