Marcel Dzama born 1974

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in Euro

Marcel Dzama - Ohne Titel.
The Frank Hense Collection - Part II | ONLINE ONLY
June 2024
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - \
The Frank Hense Collection - Part II | ONLINE ONLY
June 2024
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - \
The Frank Hense Collection - Part II | ONLINE ONLY
June 2024
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - Untitled
Editions & Works on Paper
April 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - [5 drawings]
Editions & Works on Paper
April 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - Scared of his own ghost
Editions & Works on Paper
April 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - Ya es hora (It Is Time)
Works from the Lower East Side Printshop Archives
April 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - Ohne Titel.
Spotlight: Contemporary | ONLINE ONLY
April 2024
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - Untitled
20th Century & Contemporary Art: Online Auction, New York
December 2023
Phillips, 7 -
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - Untitled
20th Century & Contemporary Art: Online Auction, New York
December 2023
Phillips, 7 -
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - Four works: (i-iv) Untitled
20th Century & Contemporary Art: Online Auction, New York
December 2023
Phillips, 7 -
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - Untitled
Contemporary Art & Design
October 2023
Bukowski, Stockholm
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX

The artist Marcel Dzama

  • Contemporary Canadian artist known for his ink and watercolour drawings in a Dada aesthetic.
  • Was a member and co-founder of the former artist group The Royal Art Lodge.
  • Designed CD covers for artists such as Beck and participated in the film Sad Ghost.

Marcel Dzama, born 1974 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, is a contemporary Canadian artist and filmmaker. Dzama's focus is on small-format ink and watercolour drawings, but at times he has also devoted himself to video installations, sculptures and polyptycha. His motifs often encompass the relationship between humans and animals, while his visual language moves between a fantastic, ominous and yet sometimes cheerful character.

He creates hybrid creatures, superheroes, mask-like faces or costumed persons and embeds them in theatrical settings, randomly appearing sceneries or in war, terror and other threatening situations or has them perform ballet routines. His high-contrast background design is striking: in most cases it is restrained and left in pure white, while other works stand out with their present, dark and dramatic night sky. Dzama's style, meanwhile, is often described as having a Dada aesthetic.

Dzama studied at the University of Manitoba in his hometown of Winnipeg. Since 1996, he has been working alternately as an artist there and in New York. In addition to the visual arts, Dzama has also achieved success in the media world – his portfolio includes the design of various album covers for musicians such as Beck, They Might Be Giants or Weakerthans as well as the collaboration with film director Spike Jonze for the film Sad Ghost.

He was also a member and founder of the artists' association The Royal Art Lodge, which disbanded in 2008, alongside artists such as Michael Dumontier and Neil Farber. Dzama has received several Canadian art awards and was honoured with the New Artist Award in Cologne in 2000. He is represented by the two galleries Sies + Höke in Düsseldorf and the David Zwirner Gallery in New York.

Der Künstler Marcel Dzama

  • Zeitgenössischer Künstler; bekannt für Tusche- und Aquarellzeichnungen in Dada-Ästhetik.
  • War Mitglied und Mitbegründer der ehemaligen Künstlergruppe The Royal Art Lodge.
  • Gestaltete CD-Cover für Künstler wie Beck und wirkte am Film Sad Ghost mit.

Marcel Dzama, geb. 1974 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Kanada, ist ein zeitgenössischer kanadischer Künstler und Filmemacher. Dzamas Fokus liegt auf kleinformatigen Tusche- und Aquarellzeichnungen, zuweilen widmete er sich aber auch Videoinstallationen, Skulpturen und Polyptycha. Seine Motivik umfasst oftmals die Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Tier, während seine Bildsprache sich zwischen einem fantastischen, unheilvollen und teils doch heiteren Charakter bewegt.

Er kreiert Mischwesen, Superhelden, maskenhafte Gesichter oder kostümierte Personen und bettet sie in Theaterkulissen, zufällig erscheinende Szenerien oder in Krieg-, Terror- und andere bedrohliche Situationen oder lässt sie Ballettküren vollführen. Augenfällig ist seine kontrastreiche Hintergrundgestaltung: In den meisten Fällen zeigt sie sich zurückhaltend und in reinem Weiß belassen, andere Arbeiten stechen dagegen durch ihren präsenten, dunklen und dramaturgischen Nachthimmel hervor. Dzamas Stil wird indessen gerne mit einer Dada-Ästhetik beschrieben.

Dzama studierte an der University of Manitoba in seiner Heimatstadt Winnipeg. Seit 1996 arbeitet er im Wechsel ebendort sowie in New York als Künstler. Neben der bildenden Kunst konnte Dzama auch Erfolge in der medialen Welt erzielen – so gehört sowohl die Gestaltung verschiedener Alben-Cover für Musikerinnen und Musiker wie Beck, They Might Be Giants oder Weakerthans als auch die Zusammenarbeit mit Filmregisseur Spike Jonze für den Film Sad Ghost in sein Portfolio.

Er war neben Künstlern wie Michael Dumontier und Neil Farber außerdem Mitglied und -begründer der Künstlervereinigung The Royal Art Lodge an, die sich 2008 auflöste. Dzama erhielt verschiedene kanadische Kunstauszeichnungen und wurde im Jahr 2000 in Köln mit dem New Artist Award geehrt. Er wird von den beiden Galerien Sies + Höke in Düsseldorf und der David Zwirner Gallery in New York vertreten.

Marcel Dzama - We Knew He Was Sleeping
First Open: Post-War and Contemporary Art Online
October 2023
Christies, Brussels (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - Double-sided work: (i-ii) Why is the Dove Never Free
20th Century & Contemporary Art: Online Auction
July 2023
Phillips, 17 -
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - Four works: (i) Lovers; (ii–iii) Untitled; (iv) Was kostet der Eintritt?
20th Century & Contemporary Art: Online Auction
July 2023
Phillips, 17 -
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - Untitled from the series 34 Drawings
Post-War & Contemporary Art Online
July 2023
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - Untitled from the series 34 Drawings
Post-War & Contemporary Art Online
July 2023
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - Untitled (from series 34 Drawings)
Post-War & Contemporary Art Online
July 2023
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - How Do You Like It (from series 34 Drawings)
Post-War & Contemporary Art Online
July 2023
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - Untitled (Party)
20th Century & Contemporary Art: Online Auction
March 2023
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - Gibt es hier eine diskothek (There is a Discotheque here)
First Open: Post-War and Contemporary Art Online
March 2023
Christies, New York (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - Best Friends
20th/21st Century Milan Online Sale
December 2022
Christies, Milan (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - They Hate Eachother
20th/21st Century Milan Online Sale
December 2022
Christies, Milan (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Marcel Dzama - Senza titolo
20th/21st Century Milan Online Sale
December 2022
Christies, Milan (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX

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