Honolulu Museum of Art with prints by African-American artists

»Forward Together«

Starting January 18, the Honolulu Museum of Art offers the opportunity to see a very special exhibition: Forward Together: African American Prints from the Jean and Robert Steele Collection features 50 prints by artists of the African diaspora.

January 18, 2024

Emma Amos, Romare Bearden, Faith Ringgold: works by these artists can be found in the collection of Jean and Robert Steele. They gifted some of them to the Honolulu Museum of Art in 2022, which is now dedicating the exhibition Forward Together: African American Prints from the Jean and Robert Steele Collection to the donation. 50 prints by 25 artists from the African diaspora complement the understanding of American culture and art in the 20th century. There is also a special focus on the Black community in Hawaii, which helped to shape life in the remote US state. The exhibition runs from January 18 to September 14.

Other artists include Ron Adams, Barkley L. Hendricks, Curlee Raven Holton, Gwen Knight-Lawrence and Valerie Maynard. In its show, the museum also highlights how prints in general promoted cultural exchange, as they could be disseminated more quickly and easily than paintings and sculptures.Art.Salon

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