Basel: Kunstmuseum der Gegenwart, 24 hours Joseph Beuys

In honor of Beuys: spend the night in the museum and enjoy greasy food

On the occasion of Joseph Beuys' (1921 - 1986) hundredth birthday, the Kunstmuseum Basel commemorates the artist in the form of an experimental 24-hour spectacle. As part of the event, visitors are allowed to spend the night in the museum rooms.

October 23, 2021

The 100th birthday of Josep Beuys has already prompted the art scene in 2021 to hold several commemorative anniversary exhibitions and a variety of events in honor of the pioneering action artist. The Krefeld-born artist, who died in 1986, stands out in art history: he made a name for himself beyond the art scene with experimental-looking fat installations (keyword »remote fat corner«). He succeeded in straddling humanism, social philosophy, anthroposophy, and an expanded concept of art - reason enough for the Kunstmuseum Basel, in commemoration of Beuys, to take its own experimental paths for once: 24 Stunden – für Joseph Beuys. Die Ursache liegt in der Zukunft (engl.: 24 Hours for Joseph Beuys. The Cause Lies in the Future) is a 24-hour project with a varied program that sometimes allows visitors to spend the night in the museum. It starts on October 23, 2021, at 5 p.m. and ends exactly 24 hours later, on October 24, at 5 p.m. 

During the one-day event, visitors will be reminded of Beuys's aesthetic ideas, be allowed to return to the places of his ideal ideas and experience his artistic work through performances, sound experiments, speculations on the future and walks through the city. In allusion to his frequently used working material fat, the organizer will serve greasy food at the event. The focus is not all on the artist's works, but rather on reliving the zeitgeist and the figure of Beuys himself. The actions vary between referencing real historical events and loosely linking them to the artist and his concept of the work. What also makes the event particularly inviting is that admission is free.Art.Salon

Auctions of Joseph Beuys' works

Joseph Beuys - Demokratie ist lustig.
German Post War | ONLINE ONLY
September 2024
Est.: 1.000 - 1.500 EUR
Realised: 1.210 EUR
Joseph Beuys - Initiation Gauloise.
German Post War | ONLINE ONLY
September 2024
Est.: 700 - 900 EUR
Realised: 924 EUR
Joseph Beuys - 4 Bücher aus: \
Evening & Day Editions
September 2024
Phillips, London Auction
Est.: 1.000 - 1.500 GBP
Realised: 1.905 GBP
Joseph Beuys - Countdown, 2000
Prints and MultiplesPrivate collection lots 1-68
September 2024
Bonhams, Brussels
Est.: 300 - 500 EUR
Realised: 320 EUR
Joseph Beuys - Mönchengladbach Concert, 1970
Prints and MultiplesPrivate collection lots 1-68
September 2024
Bonhams, Brussels
Est.: 3.000 - 5.000 EUR
Realised: 3.840 EUR
Joseph Beuys - Besser heute aktiv, 1972
Prints and MultiplesPrivate collection lots 1-68
September 2024
Bonhams, Brussels
Est.: 400 - 600 EUR
Realised: not available
Joseph Beuys - Iphigenie/Titus Andronicus (S. 523)
Evening & Day Editions
September 2024
Phillips, London Auction
Est.: 7.000 - 9.000 GBP
Realised: not available
Joseph Beuys - Urschlitten 1 (Aus Suite Zirkulationszeit).
German Post War | ONLINE ONLY
September 2024
Est.: 600 - 800 EUR
Realised: 792 EUR
Joseph Beuys - One Plate, from 3 Ton Edition
Prints & MultiplesSummer Splash
August 2024
Bonhams, New York (Online Auction)
Est.: 300 - 500 USD
Realised: 960 USD
Joseph Beuys - Holzpostkarte.
Finds under 5,000 | ONLINE ONLY
July 2024
Est.: 200 - 400 EUR
Realised: 238 EUR

Dive deeper into the art world

Krefeld: Special exhibition at the Kaiser Wilhelm Museum

The Kaiser Wilhelm Museum in Krefeld will open a special exhibition entitled Beuys and Duchamp, Artists of the Future on October 8, 2021. On display will be a unique juxtaposition of 150 works by the two trend-setting artists Jospeh Beuys and Marcel Duchamp.

October 04, 2021
Los Angeles, Getty Center: Romantic Landscape Drawings

Romantic drawings: In a major exhibition, the Getty Center presents how romantic artists approached nature in new ways. A Brush with Nature: Romantic Landscape Drawings opens in Los Angeles on February 18.

February 18, 2025