Nawa – Dance as a reflection on hidden pain

The Holland Dance Festival took place for the 19th time with an international program in the cities of The Hague, Delft, Tilburg and Rotterdam. From January 24 to February 17, the dance biennial presented the audience with an impressive and varied performance program.

March 05, 2024
Nawa, Performance Sahar Damoni
Photo: ©Corinna Rosteck
Nawa, Performance Sahar Damoni

Corinna Rosteck from the Art.Salon artist program was invited as a video artist by the Palestinian dancer and choreographer Sahar Damoni to design a video projection as a stage landscape for the piece Nawa. The collaboration during the artist residency at the choreographic center PACT Zollverein in Essen in 2023 culminated in the premiere at the Holland Dance Festival in the Korzo Theater and was performed over three days. Sahar Damoni's impressive performance creates a large-scale physical landscape that is developed from the subconscious.

The duality of pleasure and pain is created with dance, moving video images, sound and textile spatial drawings that confront the audience with personal, communal and political aspects of femininity. The piece criticizes gender roles and oppressive social forms in the Arab world and conveys Sahar Damoni's search for true freedom.

In addition to the outstanding international performances by professional dance ensembles, the Holland Dance Festival is complemented by numerous workshops with a wide variety of offers, in which people of all ages and with physical or mental disabilities can experience that there is no barrier to expressing themselves through dance. Even after the festival, interested parties have the opportunity to continue participating: The DanceAble course, for example, which is led by teachers with and without disabilities, will run until June 29, 2024 in The Hague.Art.Salon

Nawa, Performance Sahar Damoni
Photo: ©Corinna Rosteck
Nawa, Performance Sahar Damoni

Dive deeper into the art world

London, Whitechapel Gallery: »Peter Kennard: Archive of Dissent«

The renowned Whitechapel Gallery in London pays tribute to an important British artist: Peter Kennard: Archive of Dissent presents numerous of his photomontages from the last 50 years. The exhibition opens on July 23.

July 23, 2024
Sunderland, England: »Ian Macdonald: Fixing Time«

From July 20, a central voice in British photography will be honored: Sunderland will host Ian Macdonald: Fixing Time, the first major retrospective of the photographer who focused primarily on working class life.

July 20, 2024