Nicolas Party born 1980

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in Euro

Nicolas Party - Blakam\'s stone (lime)
Modern & Contemporary Art: Online Auction, New York
June 2024
Phillips, 17 -
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Landscape
Post-War to Present
June 2024
Christies, London
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Sunset
Evening & Day Editions
June 2024
Phillips, London Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Two Portraits
21st Century Evening Sale
May 2024
Christies, Hong Kong
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Still Life with a Ribbon
21st Century Evening Sale
May 2024
Christies, Hong Kong
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Still Life
Modern & Contemporary Art Day Sale, Afternoon Session
May 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Portrait
Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Sale
May 2024
Christies, New York
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Portrait
Works from the Lower East Side Printshop Archives
April 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Untitled
Editions & Works on Paper
April 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Back with a Red Hat
20th / 21st Century: London Evening Sale
March 2024
Christies, London
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Winter Trees
21st Century Art Day Sale
November 2023
Christies, Hong Kong
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Still Life
21st Century Evening Sale
November 2023
Christies, New York
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX

The artist Nicolas Party

  • Known for his figurative depictions of biomorphic objects.
  • Influenced by contemporary art and the Renaissance.
  • Uses colour schemes with an uncanny and fantastical character.

Nicolas Party, born 1980 in Lausanne, Switzerland, is a contemporary artist who, in addition to paintings, has also devoted himself to murals as well as installations and sculptures. Party's paintings are characterised by their slightly alienated figurative depictions in garish, opaque pastel colours as well as a partly monochrome colour scheme. His recurring motifs include both natural and abstracted (double) portraits, still lifes and landscapes.

The colouring and graphic distortion often give his works an uncanny and at the same time fantastical character. Just like his paintings, his sculptures also show anthropomorphic forms of depiction: They often consist of oversized busts and other biomorphic objects. His works have already been shown in renowned museums such as the Dallas Museum of Art and the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles.

His style is inspired by various Swiss artists of the 19th century such as Félix Vallotton, Ferdinand Hodler and Hans Emmenegger. In addition, Party draws on various artistic styles and epochs. Thus, impulses from contemporary art as well as from figurative painting of the Renaissance can be found in his works.

The composition of his paintings is reminiscent of artists such as Rosalba Carriera and Rachel Ruysch as well as more modern expressionist artists such as Milton Avery. Party studied at Lausanne School of Art in Switzerland and graduated with a Master of Fine Arts from Glasgow School of Art in Scotland. He currently lives in New York City and Brussels.

Der Künstler Nicolas Party

  • Bekannt für seine figurativen Darstellungen biomorpher Objekte.
  • Zeigt sowohl Einflüsse zeitgenössischer Kunst als auch der Renaissance.
  • Seine Farbgebung hat einen unheimlichen und zugleich fantastischen Charakter.

Nicolas Party, geb. 1980 in Lausanne, Schweiz, ist ein zeitgenössischer Künstler, der sich neben Gemälden auch der Dekoration und Bemalung von Wänden und Wandpfeilern sowie Installationen und Skulpturen gewidmet hat. Partys Gemälde zeichnen sich durch ihre leicht verfremdeten figurativen Darstellungen in grellen, deckenden Pastellfarben sowie eine teils monochrome Farbgebung aus.

Zu seinen wiederkehrenden Motiven gehören sowohl natürliche als auch abstrahierte (Doppel-)Portraits, Stillleben und Landschaften. Durch das Kolorit und die graphische Verzerrung erhalten seine Werke oft einen unheimlichen und zugleich fantastischen Charakter. Neben den Gemälden knüpfen auch seine Skulpturen an die anthropomorphen Darstellungsformen an und zeigen häufig überdimensionierte Büsten sowie andere biomorphe Objekte.

Seine Werke waren bereits in namhaften Museen wie dem Dallas Museum of Art und dem Hammer Museum in Los Angeles zu sehen. Sein Stil orientiert sich an verschiedenen Schweizer Künstlern des 19. Jahrhunderts wie Félix Vallotton, Ferdinand Hodler und Hans Emmenegger. Darüber hinaus greift Party auf verschiedene Kunststile und Epochen zurück. So sind in seinen Werken sowohl Impulse der zeitgenössischen Kunst als auch der figurativen Malerei der Renaissance finden.

Die gestalterische Zusammensetzung seiner Gemälde erinnert an Künstler wie etwa Rosalba Carriera und Rachel Ruysch sowie an modernere expressionistisch geprägte Künstler wie Milton Avery. Party studierte an der Lausanne School of Art in der Schweiz und erwarb seinen Master of Fine Arts an der Glasgow School of Art in Schottland. Inzwischen lebt er in New York City und Brüssel.

Nicolas Party - Still Life
Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Sale
October 2023
Christies, London
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Still Life
Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Sale
October 2023
Christies, London
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Still Life with an Olive
20th Century & Contemporary Art Evening Sale
October 2023
Phillips, Hong Kong Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Lady Gaga - Joanne
Contemporary Edition
September 2023
Christies, New York (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Red Woman
Post-War to Present
September 2023
Christies, London
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Trees
Evening & Day Editions
September 2023
Phillips, London Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Portraits
Evening & Day Editions
September 2023
Phillips, London Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Portrait with a Seahorse Necklace
Evening & Day Editions
June 2023
Phillips, London Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Cat
21st Century Art Day Sale
May 2023
Christies, Hong Kong
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Rocks
21st Century Art Day Sale
May 2023
Christies, Hong Kong
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Still Life
Post-Millennium Evening Sale
May 2023
Christies, London
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Nicolas Party - Trees
Disruptors: Evening Sale of 20th Century & Contemporary Art, Design and Watches
May 2023
Phillips, Hong Kong Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX

Nicolas Party in News and Exhibitions

From street artist to painting star: Nicolas Party

With simple portraits and landscapes in pastel, the Swiss painter Nicolas Party succeeded in rising to the top of the art league. The former graffiti artist captivates with universal themes and used the pandemic for monumental projects.

by Marius Damrow, December 12, 2022

Nicolas Party in News and Exhibitions

Vom Straßenkünstler zum Star der Malerei: Nicolas Party

Mit schlichten Porträts und Landschaften in Pastell gelang es dem Schweizer Maler Nicolas Party, in die oberste Kunstliga aufzusteigen. Der ehemalige Graffitikünstler besticht durch universelle Themen und nutzte die Pandemie für monumentale Projekte.

by Marius Damrow, December 12, 2022

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