Halle (Saale), Galerie Erik Bausmann shows Claudia Berg

»Italy again and again«

A different view of Italy: the artist Claudia Berg uses landscape and city views to examine what lies behind the obvious. The vernissage for her solo exhibition Italy again and again (Immer wieder Italien) will take place on May 23 at 7 pm at Galerie Erik Bausmann in Halle (Saale).

May 20, 2024
Claudia Berg, Campo SS. Giovanni e Paolo, 2024
Provided by Galerie Erik Bausmann
Claudia Berg, Campo SS. Giovanni e Paolo, 2024, oil over drypoint, 37.5x51.5cm

Finding new artistic expression in Italian landscapes and cityscapes is a difficult task. The artist Claudia Berg, who comes from Halle (Saale), takes up the challenge and succeeds. On trips to Italy, she captures impressions of places and buildings, usually deliberately concentrating on less touristy surroundings. The drypoint etchings on display – which, compared to other etching techniques, allow a certain spontaneity in their production in order to quickly fix observations and insights – she completed with oil paints to create unique works of art. Berg searches for what is still visible in real places, for what cannot be captured at first glance. The sublime can be found here in a simple form of expression - and comes across all the more intensely.

On May 23, the vernissage of the exhibition Claudia Berg – Italy again and again (Immer wieder Italien) will begin at 7 pm at Galerie Erik Bausmann in Halle (Saale). The gallery is extending its opening hours to coincide with the 2024 Handel Festival taking place in the same city: until June 29, the show can be seen from Tuesday to Friday from 1 to 6 p.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays as well as public holidays from 1 to 4 p.m.

Claudia Berg, who is taking part in the Art.Salon artist program, studied graphic art and painting at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in Halle (Saale). The artist has been teaching at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences since 2013. Berg won the Otto Ditscher Prize for Book Illustration in 2009, the Imke Fokerts Prize for Fine Art in 2011 and the Hans Meid Main Prize in 2022, among others. Her works can be found in numerous museums and public collections such as the Casa di Goethe in Rome, the Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris, the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg and the British Library in London.Art.Salon

Claudia Berg, Padua II, 2024
Provided by Galerie Erik Bausmann
Claudia Berg, Padua II, 2024, oil over drypoint, 16x17.5cm

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