Cy Twombly 1928 - 2011

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in Euro

Alessandro Twombly - Untitled
Post-War to Present Online Sale
July 2024
Christies, London (Online Auction)
Est.: 3.000 - 5.000 GBP
Realised: 3.780 GBP
Cy Twombly - No. I, from Natural History, Part I, Mushroom
Prints & Multiples
June 2024
Bonhams, London
Est.: 6.000 - 8.000 GBP
Realised: 7.680 GBP
Cy Twombly - Achilles Mourning the Death of Patroclus
Moderne und Zeitgenössische Kunst - Evening Sale
June 2024
Lempertz, Cologne
Est.: 40.000 - 60.000 EUR
Realised: 50.400 EUR
Cy Twombly - 8 Odi di Orazio
Post-War & Contemporary Art
June 2024
Bonhams, Paris
Est.: 20.000 - 30.000 EUR
Realised: 23.040 EUR
Cy Twombly - Flowers
Post-War & Contemporary Art
June 2024
Bonhams, Paris
Est.: 18.000 - 25.000 EUR
Realised: 38.400 EUR
Cy Twombly - No. II, from Natural History Part I Mushrooms (B. 43)
Editions & Works on Paper
June 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 5.000 - 7.000 USD
Realised: 11.430 USD
Cy Twombly - Untitled (B. 79)
Editions & Works on Paper
June 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 2.500 - 3.500 USD
Realised: 6.096 USD
Cy Twombly - Untitled, from Octavio Paz, Eight Poems, Cy Twombly, Ten Drawings
Modern & Contemporary Prints & Multiples
May 2024
Bonhams, New York
Est.: 3.000 - 5.000 USD
Realised: 4.864 USD
Cy Twombly - Untitled, from Octavio Paz, Eight poems, Cy Twombly, Ten drawings Portfolio
Modern & Contemporary Prints & Multiples
May 2024
Bonhams, New York
Est.: 3.000 - 5.000 USD
Realised: not available
Cy Twombly - Untitled
Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Sale
May 2024
Christies, New York
Est.: 500.000 - 700.000 USD
Realised: not available
Cy Twombly - Untitled, from: \'New York Collection for Stockholm\'
Contemporary Art & Design
April 2024
Bukowski, Stockholm
Est.: 30.000 - 35.000 SEK
Realised: 44.000 SEK
Cy Twombly - 8 odi di orazio, 1968
Prints & Multiples Online
April 2024
Bonhams, Paris (Online Auction)
Est.: 2.800 - 3.200 EUR
Realised: 4.608 EUR

The artist Cy Twombly

  • US American painter, photographer and object artist.
  • One of the most important representatives of American abstract expressionism.
  • He used his canvases as a projection surface for psychological and physical states of mind.

Born on 25.04.1928 in Lexington (Virginia), Edwin Parker Twombly Jr. was an American painter, photographer and object artist. He is considered one of the most important representatives of abstract expressionism - his artist name Cy goes back to his father's nickname. At the age of 14, Twombly attended painting classes and lectures by the Spanish artist Pierre Daura. He began studying at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston in 1947 and transferred to Washington and Lee University in Lexington in 1949. A year later he moved to New York to study at the Art Students League thanks to a scholarship. Here he met the artist Robert Rauschenberg, with whom he developed a long-lasting friendship. Through Rauschenberg, Twombly attended Black Mountain College in North Carolina together with him in 1951-52, where he met Jack Tworkov as well as John Cage and learned from Robert Motherwell and Franz Kline before moving to Italy in 1957. There he lived and worked in Rome and Gaeta until he died in Rome on 05.07.2011.

Twombly's early paintings from the 1950s reveal the influence of his teacher Franz Kline as well as his involvement with the work of Paul Klee. During this period, his canvas served him primarily as a projection screen for his own psychological and physical states.

From 1955 onwards, Twombly also worked repeatedly with sculptures. With the relocation of his residence to Rome, mythological references were added to the psychological and physical references in his work. In the 1960s, he did his paintings in a blackboard look, drawing shapes and signs with chalk on a green or grey background. In the 1970s, he increasingly mixed different substances such as watercolour, acrylic, oil and pastel and used them to create multi-layered surface structures. He also began to integrate pieces of paper into his canvases, often in the form of collages.

Over the course of his life, Twombly's work was exhibited nationally and internationally, including at the Whitney Museum (New York City, 1979), the Kunsthalle Baden-Baden (1984), the Kunsthaus Zürich (1987) and the Museum of Modern Art (New York, 1994). Together with the architect Renzo Piano, Twombly designed the Cy Twombly Gallery, which opened in Houston (Texas) in 1995. His artwork has fetched up to 70 million US dollars on the international art market.

Der Künstler Cy Twombly

  • US-amerikanischer Maler, Fotograf und Objektkünstler.
  • Gehört zu den bedeutendsten Vertretern des US-amerikanischen abstrakten Expressionismus.
  • Nutze seine Leinwände als Projektionsfläche für psychische und physische Befindlichkeiten.

Der am 25.04.1928 in Lexington (Virginia) geborene Edwin Parker Twombly Jr. war ein US-amerikanischer Maler, Fotograf und Objektkünstler. Er gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter des abstrakten Expressionismus – sein Künstlername Cy geht auf den Spitznamen seines Vaters zurück. Schon im Alter von 14 Jahren besuchte Twombly Malklassen und Vorlesungen des spanischen Künstlers Pierre Daura, begann 1947 ein Studium an der School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston und wechselte 1949 zur Washington and Lee University in Lexington. Ein Jahr darauf zog er nach New York, um dank eines Stipendiums an der Art Students League zu studieren. Hier traf er auf den Künstler Robert Rauschenberg, zu dem er eine langjährige Freundschaft entwickelte. Durch Rauschenberg besuchte Twombly 1951-52 mit ihm das Black Mountain College in North Carolina, wo er Jack Tworkov und John Cage kennenlernte und von Robert Motherwell sowie Franz Kline lernte, bevor er 1957 nach Italien zog. Dort lebte und arbeitete er in Rom und Gaeta bis er am 05.07.2011 in Rom starb.

Twomblys frühe Werke aus den 1950ern offenbaren den Einfluss seines Lehrers Franz Kline ebenso wie seine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Schaffen Paul Klees. Seine Leinwand diente ihm während dieser Zeit vor allem als Projektionsfläche für eigene psychische und physische Befindlichkeiten.

Ab 1955 arbeitete Twombly zudem auch wiederholt mit Plastiken. Mit der Verlagerung seines Wohnsitzes nach Rom kamen zu den psychischen und physischen Bezügen in seinen Arbeiten auch mythologische Bezüge hinzu. In den 1960ern fertigte er seine Bilder in Schultafel-Optik, auf denen er Formen und Zeichen mit Kreide auf grünem oder grauem Grund zeichnete. In den 1970ern dann vermischte er vermehrt verschiedene Substanzen wie Aquarell, Acryl, Öl und Pastell und fertigte mit ihnen vielschichtige Oberflächenstrukturen. Außerdem fing er damit an Papiere häufig collagenartig in seine Leinwandbilder zu integrieren.

Im Laufe seines Lebens wurden Twomblys Werke national wie international auf diversen Ausstellungen gezeigt, darunter im Whitney Museum (New York City, 1979), in der Kunsthalle Baden-Baden (1984), im Kunsthaus Zürich (1987) und im Museum of Modern Art (New York, 1994). Gemeinsam mit dem Architekten Renzo Piano entwarf Twombly die Cy Twombly Gallery, welche 1995 in Houston (Texas) eröffnet wurde. Seine Werke brachten auf dem internationalen Kunstmarkt bisher bis zu 70 Millionen US-Dollar ein.

Cy Twombly - 8 odi di orazio, 1968
Prints & Multiples Online
April 2024
Bonhams, Paris (Online Auction)
Est.: 2.800 - 3.200 EUR
Realised: 3.584 EUR
Cy Twombly - Untitled, from Hommage à Picasso (B. 41)
Editions & Works on Paper
April 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 5.000 - 7.000 USD
Realised: 8.890 USD
Cy Twombly - Untitled
Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Sale
March 2024
Christies, London
Est.: 80.000 - 120.000 GBP
Realised: 107.100 GBP
Cy Twombly - No. X, from Natural History Part I: Mushrooms
Contemporary Edition: New York
March 2024
Christies, New York
Est.: 6.000 - 8.000 USD
Realised: 7.560 USD
Cy Twombly - Untitled (Roman Note)
Post-War to Present
March 2024
Christies, New York
Est.: 1.500.000 - 2.000.000 USD
Realised: 1.623.000 USD
Cy Twombly - Octavio Paz. Eight poems. Ten drawings.
Art of the 20th Century | ONLINE ONLY
February 2024
Est.: 6.000 - 8.000 EUR
Realised: 7.920 EUR
Cy Twombly - No. I, from Natural History Part I Mushrooms (B. 42)
Evening & Day Editions
January 2024
Phillips, London Auction
Est.: 7.000 - 9.000 GBP
Realised: 8.890 GBP
Cy Twombly - 8 Odi di Orazio (Series II)
Modern and Contemporary Art
November 2023
Il Ponte
Est.: 8.000 - 10.000 EUR
Realised: 8.000 EUR
Cy Twombly - Drei Ansichten des Hofgartens.
Evening Sale, Modern, Post War & Contemporary
November 2023
Est.: 10.000 - 15.000 EUR
Realised: 13.200 EUR
Cy Twombly - Untitled
Post-War & Contemporary Art Day Sale
November 2023
Christies, New York
Est.: 250.000 - 350.000 USD
Realised: 201.600 USD
Cy Twombly - Untitled
Post-War & Contemporary Art Day Sale
November 2023
Christies, New York
Est.: 600.000 - 800.000 USD
Realised: 819.000 USD
Cy Twombly - Untitled (Bacchus 1st Version II)
21st Century Evening Sale
November 2023
Christies, New York
Est.: 18.000.000 - 25.000.000 USD
Realised: 19.960.000 USD

Cy Twombly in News and Exhibitions

Los Angeles, Getty Museum: »Cy Twombly: Making Past Present«

Classical mythology greatly inspired Abstract Expressionist Cy Twombly's work. From 2 August, the exhibition Cy Twombly: Making Past Present at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles explores Twombly's relationship to antiquity with sculptures, some on public display for the first time.

August 02, 2022

Cy Twombly in News and Exhibitions

Los Angeles, Getty Museum: »Cy Twombly: Making Past Present«

Die Klassische Mythologie inspirierte den Abstrakten Expressionisten Cy Twombly bei seinen Werken erheblich. Ab dem 2. August untersucht die Ausstellung Cy Twombly: Making Past Present im Getty Museum in Los Angeles Twomblys Verhältnis zur Antike mit teilweise erstmals öffentlich gezeigten Skulpturen.

August 02, 2022

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